A Letter from Marion

A Letter from Marion

With an unwavering commitment to quality and design, Marion talks to the inspiration, stories, and values that have shaped this evolution of our brand. As the Horgan’s legacy continues, we welcome you to discover the exciting elements that embody the essence of our brand’s future.
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Dear Valued Partners,

As I sit down to pen this letter, I feel a warmth that comes from four decades of shared stories, design journeys, and many adventures. My heart is full of gratitude for each and every one of you who have been an integral part of Horgans’ tapestry, helping to weave a legacy of enriching Australian homes with our curated collections. 

Forty years ago, Patrick and I embarked on a journey with a simple vision – to create a family story, not just a business. My first buying trip in 1983 was the inception.

Today, as I look back at our humble beginnings, I see an array of memories. Knocking on factory doors across Europe and Asia, presenting our collections at trade shows, and forming lifelong bonds with you, our loyal trade partners. Together, we have overcome challenges and evolved, ensuring a consistent supply of unique pieces that resonate with the aesthetics of European inspiration and the diverse beauty of our Australian homes.

Our pillars, ‘Stories of Design’ and ‘A Journey of Adventure,’ are not mere words but the very soul of Horgans. Every handmade piece, every intricate box and frame, tells a tale of our travels, our pursuit of uniqueness, and our commitment to your success. The world has seen challenges the past few years, but our family stood resilient, embracing new technologies and ensuring an unwavering supply of beautiful products to support your creative endeavors.

As we celebrate this milestone, we are excited to turn the page on a new chapter for Horgans. Our refreshed brand is a tribute to the past and a vision to the future. It’s a symbol of our continuous evolution, designed to invigorate and inspire, reflecting our commitment to great design and a quality of character we have brought to generations of designers. 

I am immensely proud to see the future of Horgans in the passionate hands of my daughter Renee, son Sam, and our dedicated team who embody the spirit of our family. Together, we will continue to explore and create new stories of design. We are unwavering in our journey of adventure, committed to discovering treasures that help you succeed with your design businesses. 

Thank you for being a part of our family, for embracing our journey, and for contributing to the story of Horgans today. Your partnership has been the cornerstone of our success, and we look forward to continuing this beautiful journey together.

Yours sincerely,


Marion Horgan

Our Brand — Story

For 40 years, our meticulously curated collections have defined trends. We are thrilled to take another monumental step in the beautiful journey that has been our story so far. 

Horgans is a family story. A journey of adventure, distinguished by design, and a quality of character. We began as a partnership. We grew as a family. Today, it’s an honour to know our name is part of the places where so many other families come together every day.

Our identity not only reflects our design sensibility but our unique positioning. Our logo is crafted from geometric shapes indicative of the aesthetic and contemporary nature of our approach. 

The Horgans colour palette draws it’s inspiration from the brand pillars and brand story. This palette is refined, grounded and human resulting in a highly sophisticated and confident warmth to the brand.

Our Brand — Story.